Antea - The Smart Choice Toward a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy complications affect up to 20% of all first time pregnancies. Do you know your risk? You can now with Antea!


Welcome to Antea!

An innovative screening test.

Your DNA, diet and lifestyle all play a role in a healthy and safe pregnancy. Antea is an innovative, screening test that uses these factors in determining your pregnancy preparedness prior to conception. Antea will guide your preparation through personalised, interactive advice, provided by our team of experts in nutrition and medicine.

Innovative Analysis

Antea combines your DNA, your diet and your lifestyle to determine your preparedness for pregnancy.

Personalised Recommendations

Diet, exercise and medical advice tailored for you by our expert team.

Actionable Interventions

Enabling you to make a healthy choice.

Monitor Your Progress

Act on our expert advice and track how you’re progressing.


Built on established scientific and medical research

Helping you prepare for a healthy pregnancy.

Antea is a unique, proprietary algorithm, developed by doctors and scientists at the University of Adelaide, that uses your DNA, diet and lifestyle to help you prepare for a healthy pregnancy.

Developed by Doctors & Scientists

Developed at the University of Adelaide

Uses your DNA, diet and lifestyle factors

Helps you prepare for a healthy pregnancy


The Karygen Advisory Team

We’re passionate about assisting women toward healthy and safe pregnancies.

Karygen Health is a health and wellness company committed to providing innovative, evidence-based, DNA tests for risk assessment before and during pregnancy.

Prof Gus Dekker


Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Adelaide.

Prof Claire Roberts


Deputy Director, Robinson Research Institute.

Dr Jessica Grieger


Nutritionist and Research Fellow, Robinson Research Institute.


We are here to help!

Head Office

Suite 3, 33 Malmsbury St

Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia 3122

Postal Address

PO Box 779

Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia 3122

Help Desk

© Karygen Health 2020